Lists are a great way to keep track of titles you'd like to check out in the future. You can share lists, too, so you could use them to keep track of titles for your book club, make a "Top 10" list to post on social media, and much more. Use your imagination!
Creating Lists
There are two ways to create a list. You must be logged in to create a list.
From your account
Select the Your Lists menu option from the left sidebar while in your account, or click on your name at the top-right of the screen and select the Your Lists menu option. Then, press the Create a New List button.
Enter in a name for the list in the List field, enter a description (optional), and toggle the Access switch if you'd like your list to be Public.
Finally, press the Create List button.
From a catalog search
Press the Add to list button from a catalog search or on a title's record page. Then, press the Create a New List button.
Enter in a name for the list in the List field, enter a description (optional), and toggle the Access switch if you'd like your list to be Public.
Finally, press the Create List button. The title you selected will be added to the list.
Adding Titles to a List
From the catalog
Press the Add to list button for a title on either a list of search results or on the title's record page.
Select the list you'd like to add the title to from the Choose a List dropdown.
If you'd like, include a note about the title in the Add a Note field.
Finally, press the Save To List button.
From your list
You may add several titles at once to a list. This is especially useful if you'd like to import a list of titles from elsewhere.
List Management
Select the Your Lists menu option from the left sidebar while in your account, or click on your name at the top-right of the screen and select the Your Lists menu option.
You may delete a list (or multiple lists) by selecting the checkbox next to the list title(s) and then pressing the Delete Selected Lists button at the top of the page. You may also delete a list by clicking on its title and then pressing the Delete List button at the top right of the page.
To edit a list, click on its title. Then, press the Edit button in the row at the top of the page. You may edit the list's title and description, or switch between Public and Private access. Press the Update button to save any changes.
To remove titles from your list, either:
- Press the Delete button to the right of the title.
- Check the checkboxes at the top-left for multiple titles and press the Delete Selected Items button at the bottom.
- Press the Delete All Items button at the bottom if you'd like to delete all of the entries from your list.
To copy a title to a different list, press the Edit button next to the title, then select the new list from the Copy to List dropdown, and press Save.
To move a title to a different list, press the Edit button next to the title, then select the new list from the Move to List dropdown, and press Save.
To edit your notes about a title, press the Edit button next to the title, edit the Notes field, and press Save.
Use the Print List button at the top of the page to print a list using your browser's print dialog.
Use the Export List to CSV button to download a table of your list.
Use the Generate Citations button to generate citations for the titles in your list in APA, Chicago/Turabian, or MLA formats. Please note that citations contain only title, author, edition, publisher, and year published. Citations should be used as a guideline and should be double checked for accuracy. Citation standards change, and the citations generated may not be up-to-date with the latest standards.
Sharing Lists
To share a list, the list must be made public. You may set the list to public when you create it, or you may edit the list to make it public after it has been created. For more information, see the List Management section above.
You may share a list by sharing its URL. While viewing the list, copy the URL from the address bar and share this link!
You may also email a list directly from the catalog. While viewing the list, press the Email List button at the top of the page, then enter in the email address you'd like to share to, your name as the sender, and a message in the email. Finally, press the Send Email button.