Search History
Your Searches
Use this page to review searches you've recently performed and searches that you have saved.
You can view the results of a recent or saved search by clicking on the linked search terms.
Recent Searches will be removed from this list after you end your session by signing out unless you save the search. You can delete unsaved searches without logging out by pressing the Delete my unsaved searches button at the bottom of the page.
Saving a Search
To save a search from your list of Recent Searches, press the Save button at the end of the row, enter a name for the search in the overlay, and press the Save button.
To save a search from the catalog, perform a search, press the Search Tools dropdown menu at the top-right of the results, and press Save Search. Enter a name for the search in the overlay and then press the Save button.
Deleting a Saved Search
To delete a saved search, access the Your Searches screen fro myour account, then press the Delete button at the end of the row for the search you'd like to delete.